New health threat from Africa | Lexington County Chronicle – Lexington County Chronicle - Africa Matters


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Saturday, July 24, 2021

New health threat from Africa | Lexington County Chronicle – Lexington County Chronicle

Special to the Chronicle
Health offiicials are watching 200 individuals in 27 states who may have moneypox.
So far, no cases have been diagnosed in Lexington County or the state, according to the Department of Health and Enviormental Control.
A Texas man was confirmed to have incurable monkeypox after traveling overseas, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported.
The patient flew into Atlanta, GA, July 9 from Lagos, Nigeria, and then went on to Dallas
The individuals being observed either know they were around him or were on the same flights.
None of them are considered high risk and so far no additional cases have been found.
The CDC saidthe risk to everyone else is low.
These are the signs and symptoms to look for:
• The illness begins with fever, head, muscle and back aches, swollen lymph nodes, chills and feeling exhausted.
• In 1 to 3 days (sometimes longer) you develop a rash, often beginning on your face then spreading to your body.
If you have any questions about how to keep from being  infected, visit the CDC Prevention site.
There is no safe treatment for anyone who has contracted monkeypox.
 Monkeypox may be spread close contact with an infected person.
The disease can appear similar to chickenpox.
Smallpox vaccine is believed to prevent infection.
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